Health Services
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As a school, Zion follows the Minnesota Guidelines for Medication Administration in Schools. These guidelines were created to increase safe administration of medication to students in schools. Many children who have chronic and/or acute health conditions can attend school because of the effectiveness of their prescribed medications.
Therefore, Zion is unable to administer medications whether over-the-counter or prescription, to its students without a completed Medication Authorization form.
This includes TYLENOL®, ibuprofen, sunscreen, cough drops, and all over-the-counter medications.
The school does not keep a supply of medications. If your child will need to take medication during the school day, please follow the instructions below:
Medications must be in original, labeled container.
A “Medication Authorization Form” must be filled out and signed.
Prescription medications require a physician and parent signature; Over-the-counter medications require a parent signature.
Medications should be transported by a parent.
If a student requires medication, a copy of this "Medication Authorization" form must be completed and brought back into the school office or you may email the completed form to the school office at
Please note, all medications must be in their original packaging and any prescription medications require both a parent/guardian and physician's signature.
Students are allowed to carry an inhaler and/or EpiPen®/AUVI-Q® when the following criteria have met:
The school receives annual written permission from the student's parent and health care provider to allow self-administration of the inhaler and/or epinephrine auto-injectable device.
The inhaler is properly labeled for the student.
Successful completion of an assessment of the student's knowledge and skills to safely use and possess an inhaler in the school setting done by the school nurse.
To Send or Not to Send
A student should be excluded from school with any of the following conditions:
Fever of 100 degrees or more - the student should stay home for 24 hours after his or her temperature returns to normal.
Vomiting and Diarrhea - the student should stay home for 24 hours after the last episode.
Undiagnosed Rash - the student should see a healthcare provider before returning to school. A note from the health care provider stating the student is not contagious may be required before the student is allowed to return to school.
Illnesses - Please see the Illnesses pdf for exclusion from school requirements for each specific illness.
Immunizations and Forms
According to MN Statute 121A.15, any student enrolled in an elementary or secondary school in Minnesota must be up-to-date with his/her immunizations. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from school. If you choose to conscientiously object, a notary signature is required on the:
Student Immunization Form
What immunizations does my child need? A schedule of required immunizations can be found here: Are Your Kids Ready for School?
7th graders are required to receive: Meningococcal and Tdap vaccines.
Kindergarteners must have the following series completed: Polio, DTaP, Hep B, MMR, and Varicella.
Pre-K required to receive: Hepatitis A series and Hepatitis B series.
Note: MDH = Minnesota Department of Health
Health Services Information Form - This form provides a health status update on your child for the school year and is required to be completed annually.
Medication Authorization Form - Form for authorizing distribution of medication during the school day.