Sunday School
Join us on Sunday mornings, 9:15 - 10:15 am, September through May, as we share hope and teach Christ to the children of Zion Lutheran Church. We invite all children, preschool - 12th grade, to join us as we learn about Jesus through Bible stories, hymns & songs, crafts, activities, servant projects, and fellowship. We look forward to partnering with you, the parents, in establishing their Faith foundation and learning, more in-depth, the Lutheran Faith.

Confirmation is a public rite of the church preceded by a period of instruction designed to help baptized Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian Community. Prior to admission to the Lord's Supper, it is necessary to be instructed in the Christian faith (1 Cor 11:28). The rite of confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God's promise given in Holy Baptism, to make a personal public confession of the faith and a lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ.
The members, teachers, and pastors of Zion Lutheran Church and School hold confirmation to be a privilege and a priority in the life of our children (and any adults going through the new membership process). One of the hallmarks of our Lutheran heritage has been our tradition of thorough biblical and doctrinal, using Luther's Small Catechism, instruction to equip us for daily living and witness to Christ. We take very seriously the command of our Lord in Matthew 28:18-20 "to go make disciples teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." As such, we endeavor to train children in the way of the Lord so that when he or she is old (or older) they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6).

Junior Youth
Zion Junior High Youth meets together with other churches in surrounding areas on a monthly basis for devotion, fellowship, and games. We meet for 6 months out of the year and send out sign-ups prior to each event. If you are interested please reach out to the Church Office or the Associate Pastor for more information
Associate Pastor: andrew.mussell@zionmayer.org
Church Office: church.office@zionmayer.org; 952-657-2339
Youth Participant Waiver
Adult Volunteer Waiver

Senior Youth Ministry
Senior High Youth Group meets once a month on varying dates from September through May. All those grades 9 through 12 are invited to attend. We do activities that change on a monthly basis always coming together for a meal and a devotion to center ourselves around God's Word.
The Senior High Youth also has a yearly rotation of mission trips. They rotate through the LCMS Youth Gathering, Cross Training in Weston, Wisconsin, and Idaho Servant Adventures in Prichard, Idaho.
Associate Pastor: andrew.mussell@zionmayer.org
Church Office: church.office@zionmayer.org; 952-657-2339

Day School
The mission of Zion Lutheran School flows from our congregational mission, vision, and strategy. It is vitally important for us to be united in our congregation’s mission so that we are able to work together in caring for God’s people and furthering his kingdom.
School Administrator: joshua.baumann@zionmayer.org
Phone: 952-657-2339